Roxanne Turnipseed
Roxanne is a registered nurse by profession having completed a BS degree in Nursing from Clemson University. Her professional career was spent working at University Hospital in Augusta, GA with most of her service in the Operating Room.
She came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior at the age of 13. She has been active in her church home over the years, teaching Sunday school, working with the youth, leading small group studies, chairing and serving on a multitude of committees.
Her first foreign mission experience was to Bolivia in 1994 for a medical mission followed by a return in 1998 to serve as the team nurse for a church construction. God next called her to Peru, and then shortly thereafter to Honduras in 2002. That began a passion for the people of the Quimistan Valley of Honduras.
Roxanne served on a task force to develop a non-profit in 2002 dedicated to helping the people of Honduras and sat on its Board of Directors from 2003 – 2011 serving as the Secretary, Treasurer and Chair of the Travel and Evangelical committees. During these years she made bi-annual trips to Honduras and fell in love with the Honduran people. It was out of these experiences that God called her and her husband, Sam, to full time mission work in the Quimistan Valley to care for and love the children as Jesus commanded.