Deirdre Melnyk
Deirdre is the first Canadian serving with us! She is a lifelong Christian with a passion for injustice. She has a B.Sc. in math and works for an insurance company. She has been to Honduras on numerous mission trips since 2008, helping both the poor and those working on the front lines. Deirdre loves the people of Honduras; it is her second home. She met Sam and Roxanne in 2009 when Tranquilidad was just a vision. Over the years since then, she has watched TQ grow into the beautiful home it now is. In 2019, she was blessed to serve at TQ for 5 months, loving the children and the staff and helping grow a garden. Her perspective of the challenges facing missionaries on the front line has broadened. Deirdre is thankful for the privilege to serve on the BOD to help TQ impact lives for Christ.